
Mental Map Editor – What is it good for?

Mental Map Editor – Download and Installation

Mental Map Editor – Introduction

Mental Map Editor – Creation of a questionnaire, part I

MMAP 1.0 és 1.5 szoftver ingyenesen letölthető!

A MMap: mental mapping in Hungarian – Romanian cooperation (azonosító: HURO/0901/059/2.2.4.) című projekt keretében elkészült a MMap 1.0 angol nyelvű szoftver magyar illetve román nyelvű fordítása! Valamint elkészült a MMap 1.0 Windows 7 alatt is futtatható változata (MMAP 1.5)! Download for free versions! Kattintson a LETÖLTÉS/DOWNLOAD feliratra a regisztrációhoz és a szoftverek letöltéséhez!

Mental Map Editor – Creation of a questionnaire, part II

Mental Map Editor – Administering a questionnaire

Mental Map Editor – Database operations

Mental Map Editor – Data analysis and study creation

Software installation guide

Software installation guide:

In order to successfully install and run Mental Map Editor 1.5 on a system running Windows 7 or Windows Vista, it is necessary to uninstall any previous version of MMap Editor. You can achieve this with these three steps:

1. Make sure you are logged in with Administrator privileges

2. Open the Control Panel from the Start menu, at the top right of the window that appeared, where “View by” is written, select the “small icons” option. After this open the Administrative Tools window, and from within that run the program called Services. A list will appear in the Services window, here search and click once on the entry named “InterBase Server”, and then press the “Stop the service” button. Once these are done, you may close the Services and Administrative Tools windows.

3. Open the Programs and Features window from within the Control Panel, and in the list that appears find and select with a single click the entry named “Interbase”, then click the Uninstall button found at the top of the window and uninstall the program. After this also uninstall “Mental Map Editor” using the same method. Close the Control Panel when done.

Once these steps have been completed it will be possible to successfully install Mental Map Editor 1.5